Monday, July 28, 2008

Is this why recruiters have a bad name?

I just received a call from a Will who said that he was with HR and he told me that he was looking over some invoices and need to know if I had any workers under me who were not employees. I did not recognize a “Will” so I asked what department he was in and he told me he was doing accounts payable in HR. We like many large companies have our HR pieces spread out so there was a chance that we might have hired a “Will” and I did not know it. The story sounded fishy so I continued to ask some questions. “Will” essentially wanted to get a list of the contractors that we had on staff and then generate a call list to poach from. I finally got him when I asked what floor he was on and since we don’t have anyone on the 6th floor I said “nice try Will” and he hung up.

Is this the reason that why recruiters have such a bad name in our industry. Everything that came out of this guy was a complete lie. I know that it is getting difficult to find talent in such a tight market but to resort to lying? I know that sometimes I have been guilty of stretching the truth a little to get a contact to call me back but nothing to the extreme of coming in under the disguise of a fellow employee. Am I reacting to much or is this normal? “Will” is a true snake in the grass.

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